

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 3 months ago

What would be the best way to handle passwords? So that we can all view each other's wikis? Thoughts welcomed on this question.


I removed the password and asked the students to read this. The article should get them thinking about their screen names and could be a prompt for their first writing assignment.--Moura


On the topic of security, I'd like it if people from my section could view what students in other sections are doing - and vice versa. Anyone object to me linking this page from my wiki? I'm assuming that if you really don't want other people viewing your wiki you have it password protected anyway, so I'm going to link this page probably tomorrow unless there are objections.--Peter


For pbwiki, at least, it seems that others can view it (as long as you make it publicly viewable) without the password. Having the password simply allows editing, and keeping it enabled keeps the spammers away. --Kem

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